High performance liquid chromatography has been widely used in various fields

 High performance liquid chromatography has been widely used in various fields

High performance liquid chromatography can made solution samples only,

not subject to volatile limit, range of mobile phase can choose a wide variety,

stationary phase, and thus can be separated heat labile, nonvolatile,

dissociation and non dissociation and various molecular weight range of substances.

With the sample pretreatment technology, the HPLC with high resolution and high

sensitivity, the separation and determination of nature is very similar to the material

becomes possible, thus separation of trace components in the complex.

With the development of the stationary phase, there may be completed its separation in

fully maintain biochemical activity conditions, HPLC has become the most promising way

to solve the problem of biochemical analysis. Because HPLC has the advantages of high

resolution, high sensitivity, fast speed, chromatographic column can be used repeatedly,

the advantages of outflow components easy to collect, so it is widely used in biochemistry,

food analysis, medical research, environmental analysis, inorganic analysis etc..
